Scholarly Ability Review 2

  1. Dissertation

Timberlake, M. (2013). Academic Content and Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities: How Teacher Interpretation and Choice Impact Access to the General Education Curriculum. ProQuest LLC. UMI Number 3562820

  1. Manuscripts published or accepted since last review:

(a) books N/A

(b) refereed journals

(i) Published online and forthcoming in print:  Timberlake, M. (2015). The Path to Academic Access. The Journal of Special Education, DOI: 10.1177/0022466914554296     Click below for abstract:

        (ii) Leutz, W., Warfield, M. Timberlake, M., & Chiri, G. (2015). The infrastructure of

         participant-direction for Medicaid-funded in-home autism services for children in

Massachusetts. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 12, 27-36. Doi: 10.1111/jppi.12103.   Click here for abstract: JPPID


(iii) Timberlake, M. T. (2014). Weighing costs and benefits: Teacher interpretation and implementation of access to the general education curriculum. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities. 39, (2) 83-99. doi: 10.1177/1540796914544547. Click here for abstract: RPSD


(c) non refereed journals

(i)  Timberlake, M. (2015). Inclusion and the Gifts of Art. Review of Disability Studies: An international journal. v11 n3.   table of contents for this issue:

Click here to view editorial: Inclusion and the Gifts of Art


(d) book reviews (N/A)

(e) book chapters (N/A)


3. Manuscripts in preparation

(i) Timberlake, M. (in preparation) Reframing “Slackers and Troublemakers”: Project based  learning and preparation for life. Expected submission October 2015.

(ii) Burns-Thomas, A., Timberlake, M. & Barrett, B. (in preparation) Room for improvisation, teacher response to scripted curricular modules. Expected submission January 2016.


4. Research in progress

Teachers’ Perceptions of the EngageNY Modules and Common Core State Standards.  IRB # 131437.

5. Research grants awarded N/A

6. Grants pending N/A

7. Grants submitted not awarded

(a) Drescher  Sept 2014 Click here for proposal:Timberlake – Drescher Ap2014

(b) RFP Feb 2015  Click here for proposal Timberlake FRP Application 2015-2016

notification: RFP no

8. Conference presentations

(a) peer-reviewed

TASH December 2014Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 8.03.17 PMScreen Shot 2015-09-13 at 8.01.39 PM

AREA April 2015 Acceptance ltr. AERA 2015

(b) non peer reviewed

9. Other: IDA 2015  Click here: IDA 2015