University Service Review 2

  1. Committees chaired

(a) FSA department curriculum committee.  Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 8.19.48 AM

2. Committees served on:

(a) EPC  Education Policy Committee (college) Click here: EPC

(b) TECRC Teacher Education Candidate Review Committee (college)  Bi weekly beginning Jan 2015.Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 8.25.23 AM

(c) PDS Advisory Committee  (School of Education)   Click here PDS Advisory Bd

(d) Tech Advisory (inactive since Fall 2014)

(e) School of Education Curriculum Committee (new Sept 2015)

(f) FSA Faculty Search Committee Spring 2015

3. Faculty governance N/A

4. Administrative responsibilities

Worked on SPA report with FSA dept colleagues 2014- 2015

5. Non-teaching student work

Wrote four letters of recommendation for graduate students, four study abroad letters, three summer job references and numerous scholarship/internship letters.

6. Club advisor

(a) Inclusive Special Education Club

7. Community

8. Service off campus

Board member for Southside Community Childcare Ctr Ithaca

Faculty Liason to Barry School Collegial Inquiry Group Sept 2014- June 2015:Collegial Inquiry Barry Jan15

9. Student recruitment N/A