Scholarly Ability 3

  1. Dissertation

Timberlake, M. (2013). Academic Content and Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities: How Teacher Interpretation and Choice Impact Access to the General Education Curriculum. ProQuest LLC. UMI Number 3562820

2. Manuscripts published or accepted since last review:

(a) books N/A

(b) refereed journals:

Timberlake, M. Burns-Thomas, A., & Barrett, B. (2017) The allure of simplicity: scripted curricula and equity. Teaching and Teacher Education. 67, 46-52.

Click here for full pdf of article:  the allure of simplicity TATE

(c) Articles in non-refereed journals: N/A

(d) Book reviews: N/A

(e) Book chapters:

  • Barrett, B., Burns Thomas, A., & Timberlake, M. (2017). Flipping the script: Teachers’ perceptions of tensions and possibilities within a scripted curriculum. Knowledge, curriculum and equity: Social realist perspectives. Brian Barrett, Ursula Hoadley and John Morgan (Eds). London: Routledge
  • Timberlake, M. (forthcoming) “PAAP Season”: Good intentions and unintended consequences for students with significant cognitive disabilities. The Complex web of Inequality: How educational policies further push minoritized youth to the margin.   G. Conchas, K. Gutierrez, & B. Hinga (Eds.). Routlege Research in Educational Equality and Diversity. Click here for proposal acceptance: PAAP season proposal acceptance

Click here to view chapter:  PAAP Season Timberlake March1 submitted

  • Timberlake, M. (in preparation) A label and a nursing home: an unexpected journey with my mother  in Priya Lalvani (Ed).Constructing the (M)other: Narratives of Resistance at the Intersection of Motherhood and the Politics of Normal. Proposal acceptance:  Proposal Acceptance

(f) Bibliography of manuscripts completed but not accepted for publication:

  • Timberlake, M. (under review). Nice But We Can’t Afford it:Challenging Austerity and Finding Abundance in Inclusive Education. International Journal of Inclusive Education. submitted August 15, 2017. IJIE Submission Acknowledgement

Screen Shot 2017-08-26 at 10.07.36 PM

3. Research in progress: Project-based Learning, funded by FRP Spring 2017.  10 interviews conducted in June 2017, continuing fall 2017.

4. Research grants awarded, with dates given: SUNY Cortland FRP July 1 2017- 2018. FRP letter:FRP award letter

  • Submitted 2 Innovation grants with my PBL team: one focused on pedagogy and the other on equipment to implement PBL.  View both grants and award letters below:

PBL Innovation grant 1 Tech  and PBL TECH letter

PBL Innovation Grant 2 Pedagogy  and PBL Pedagogy letter

  1. Research grants submitted and pending

6. Other scholarly work: Media activity, serving on programs of workshops or conferences, commentaries on papers, membership on committees or offices held within profession, consulting, comments by colleagues in the subject matter field from outside Cortland and any other information deemed important in this category (refer to section 230.04 3.b. in College Handbook for additional examples).

7. Conference presentations (include titles, dates, location and audience):(see Mastery of Subject Matter)