Continuing Growth 3

  1. List memberships in professional organizations.
  • American Educational Research Association
  • The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps
  • The Council for Exceptional Children
  1. List professional meetings and workshops attended.

Attended professional development session at AERA on Autoethnography. AERA PD 2016 Autoethnog.

Attended as well as presented at New York State Foundations of Education Conference:2016.Conference.Program

Supported graduate student to present his FSA 651 research paper as a poster at this Foundations of Education Conference : Tyler NYSFEA 3

  1. Describe other professional activities that contribute to growth.
  • SUNY Cortland Professional Development Series:

Invitation: sustaining invite and Certificate of completion: Sustaining…completion certificate

  • Attended a local workshop on home health care for people with disabilities in Cortland County in April 2017.  I invited a student who is interested in disability more broadly than schooling.  The invitation and her response are here:Home health workshop with student
  • I serve as copy editor for an international journal, Review of Disability Studies. I could put this under “Service” but the position of copy editing, specifically, means I read every article that is published.  the journal is quarterly, so I read everything from Issues with perceptions of disability in rural Africa to an analysis of anxiety and deafness to last year’s article on PBL and disability studies (particularly interesting!).  Therefore, although I”m editing for English language proficiency, grammar….the content is informative as well. RDS_Timberlake_Invitation_EB_CopyEditor