Continuing Growth

  1.  Memberships in professional organizations.

My memberships in professional organizations are listed at the bottom of the scholarly activity page- you can link to it here:

As a member of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) I subscribe to their daily evaluation “tips & tricks” for current ideas.  Here is a sample:
AEA365 sample

2. Professional meetings and workshops attended:

CIT Conference on Instructional Design and Technology  Cornell University May 2014.Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 8.11.15 AM









TASH- Please see my scholarly activity page for a description of my session.  The best sessions I attended at TASH for my own learning were on using constructivism in special education,  and one on measuring quality of life attributes like relationships and happiness.  Click here for information about these sessions:



  • I attended this webinar to keep up my skills in computer assisted qualitative data analysis:webinar sample

3. Other professional activities that contribute to growth:

Another activity that is important to my professional growth is to develop the network of professional relationships in NY that I had in ME and MA.  I need to learn more about how the education and human services systems in NY state are organized.  I met two people at TASH that I’m communicating with here in NY about our shared interests.  The first is Nancy Hinkley from the Disability Employment Institute at Cornell and the second is with Kathleen Trela at Marist College in Poughkeepsie.  Nancy & I share an interest in policy and secondary education, while Kathleen has studied curricular access for students with significant cognitive disabilities while at UNC Charlotte.

As you can see from our communication, Nancy gave me a tour of the Institute at Cornell and has asked for my assistance with their dissemination of materials on a secondary transition grant, and Dr. Trela and I are talking about how to study the perceptions of  BOCES teachers concerning inclusive education and curricular access. networkingtrela



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