Scholarship Review 4

  1. Dissertation

Timberlake, M. (2013). Academic Content and Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities: How Teacher Interpretation and Choice Impact Access to the General Education Curriculum. ProQuest LLC. UMI Number 3562820

2. Manuscripts published or accepted since last review:

(a) books N/A

(b) refereed journals:

Timberlake, M.T.  (2017): Nice, but we can’t afford it: challenging austerity and finding abundance in inclusive education, International Journal of Inclusive Education, DOI:10.1080/13603116.2017.1412518.

(c) Articles in non-refereed journals: N/A

(d) Book reviews: N/A

(e) Book Chapters

  • Timberlake, M. (forthcoming) An Unexpected Journey with My Mother in Priya Lalvani (Ed.) Constructing the (M)other: Narratives of Resistance at the Intersection of Motherhood and the Politics of Normal. Peter Lang Publishing.

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  • Timberlake, M. (in press) “PAAP Season”: A New Rationale for Segregating Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities. In G. Conchas, K. Gutierrez, & B. Hinga (Eds.). The Complex web of Inequality: How educational policies further push minoritized youth to the margin. Routlege Research in Educational Equality and Diversity.

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(f) works in progress: I am currently working on article for a nursing journal about perceptions of family members by nursing home personnel.   Specifically, the concept of denial,  Denial narratives have been prominent in education, denial has been pathologized – there is an overarching assumption of parental denial of their child’s disability. But, there is new work challenging this limiting and incorrect paradigm. I’m applying this concept to my experience with my mother’s dementia and the way that my observations of competency and belief in the nuances of her cognition were dismissed as “denial”. Here is the link to theAmerican Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementias  Nursing Journal

I’m in conversation with Tadayuki Suzuki in Literacy about IEC students’ responses to children’s literature depicting disability. He has made some anecdotal observations and I have been considering his observations through a disability studies theoretical perspective.  I do not have his expertise (or honestly, his level of interest) in children’s literature but my piece has to do with the theoretical framework and what we can learn.  We’re considering an IRB but the conversation is in-process.

3. Research in progress: Project-based Learning, funded by FRP funding ended July 31 2018.  Completed 18 interviews, currently analyzing the data and will be beginning the first paper this year.

4. Research grants awarded, with dates given: N/A

5. Research grants submitted and pending N/A

6. Other scholarly work:

Working on preliminary outline for a book with a SUNY Brockport colleague on students with disabilities in the college classroom.  Specifically, students who received special education services in their k-12 schooling and how that manifests when they are in a college course being presented with information about special education – the system that both hurt and helped them. Neither of us has authored a book before so we’re developing a proposal and several sample chapters with which to approach a publisher.

Offices held within profession: Board member, CEC-NYS (Council for Exceptional Children NY chapter)

7. Conference presentations (include titles, dates, location and audience):

peer reviewed:

American Educational research Association Conference  Two sessions New York, NY  April 2018.

AERA conference 2018 session 1           AERA conference 2018 session 2

Council for Exceptional Children NYS:

I presented two sessions at this conference in Binghamton NY. (conference program under “Continuing Growth)

  1. The Allure of Simplicity: Scripted curricula and students with disabilities
  2. Preparing Transformative Inclusive Educators  with J. Ashton, SUNY Brockport.