Mastery of Subject Matter Review 2

Mastery of Subject Matter Review 2 provides evidence for my 2nd re-appointment review (Feb. 1, 2014- Sept 15, 2015).

Click Here to View Reappointment Decision Issued December 2015: review Dec 2015

I. Formal Preparation:

PhD in Social Policy                                                                                     May 2013

Lurie Fellow in Disability Policy Brandeis University, Heller School for Social Policy and Management

Evidence Mastery of Subject Matter-4

M.A. in Social Policy                                                                                      May 2010

Brandeis University, Heller School for Social Policy and Management

Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Special Education               May 2008

University of Maine


Certificate in Brain Research in Education                                               June 2006

University of Washington


M.Ed in Special Education                                                                           August 1986

Concentration: Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities

University of Maine

B.S. in Elementary Education                                                                      June 1985

Northeastern University


2. Post doc: N/A

3. Licenses, honors, awards:

(a) Received the Daring to Dream Award for Social Change from the Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies at the University of Maine.  June 18, 2015.  The 1st photo shows me accepting the award, the 2nd is a description of the awardees from the UMaine press release.



Screen Shot 2015-09-03 at 4.43.50 PM


(b) I was invited to host the Living Room exhibit at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston MA on June 19, 2015.  I was invited for non-scholarly reasons but I used the experience to create an article for Review of Disability Studies.  Publication information is included under “Scholarly Ability” and you can click here to view a pdf of my article: Timberl RDS Editorial sept2015

More information about the exhibit can be found here:  Living Room Project

LR host june19 creative activity

4. Reputation

  •  I was invited to collaborate on a federally funded research project submitted by a colleague at Marist College. Click here to see my letter of support using the template provided by the Lead Investigator:  Timberl ProjectCore


  • Click here to view the American Educational Research Association’s Disability Studies Interest Group newsletter.  My conference session is listed on p. 11 and my recent publications on p. 15.  AERA newsletter


  • Presented sandwich seminar at SUNY Cortland with Dr. Bentley in April 2015.

    sandwich seminar
    sandwich seminar


  • Invited Reviewer for academic journals (from most recent)

(i) Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders August 2015Screen Shot 2015-09-12 at 4.24.19 PM Screen Shot 2015-09-12 at 4.19.49 PM

(ii) Maternal and Child Health Journal  June 2014.  Click here to view the editor’s request for my review: MCHJ invite

(iii) Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities May 2014 . Click here to view the editor’s request for my review  Review Invite JIPPD 

(iv) Review of Disability Studies  April 2014. Click here to view the editor’s invite: RDS invite


(c) Reviewer for AERA conference papers (American Educational Research Association) Disability Studies SIG, and the the Special Education SIG. 

Click here for invite 2015 invite 2015 Sp Ed SIG


Click here for evidence of 2016 conference invites & reviews: AERA

(d) I serve as an Associate Editor for a peer-reviewed academic journal.  Click here to see a profile of the editorial board: Associate Editor for Creative Works

Click here for evidence of editorial responsibilities: RDS Associate Editor



6. Previous letters of review and reappointment. Click here to view Letters from previous reappointment.